Weekly Work: Grade 7

Online teaching 2021:

Useful links:

Student Support Programme - MoE Mauritius

Weekly Work for 2020:

Week Tutorial Answer
1(30.3.2020) Tutorial 1 Answer 1
2(6.4.2020) Tutorial 2 Answer 2

    In view of the resumption of the syllabus for all subjects as from Week 3 (Monday 13th April – Sunday 19th April), we have designed a new learning grid which contains links to notes,     educational video clips, homework and answers. To access all these learning materials, please use your current password. The icons in the cells of the learning grid represent a link to a     learning material such as notes, homework or answers.

    As per the current practice, ANSWERS will be posted at one week interval.

    Despite our best efforts and since we are constantly having to operate and upgrade our ONLINE system within a tight schedule, there may be a few errors and omissions in some     documents or links. We sincerely apologise for any such shortcomings on our part.

    If you want to inform us about omissions and errors, you can liaise with us on the following email address: ‘mc.webomissions@gmail.com’.

    Stay Safe. Stay at Home. All the best.

Weekly Work for: Week 3 (13th April 2020 - 19th April 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture 4 Crop Poduction Where does soil come from?
Seed bed preparation
Worked examples
Art and Design 1.2 Colour Theory
• Primary, secondary and tertiary colours).

• Colour Mixing (Tints and Shades, Warm and cool colours, Complementary colours)
Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 62 - 68
Basic explanation on Colour Theory 1:

Basic explanation on Colour Theory 2:
Introduction to colour theory

Primary and Secondary colour

Colour Values

What are Complementary colours

Warm and Cool colours
Book G7 Pg 63 - 64: Make your own Colour Wheel comprising of primary, secondary and tertiary colours.

Book G7 Pg 65 - 66:
Make a composition based on marine life using warm and cool colours.

Work Submission Information
Answers for Tutorial week 2

Biology Topic 2: Unit6. Ecosystem Book science G7 Activity 6.1, 6.2,6.3, 6.4
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 5: Resource Allocation and Economic Systems Explanation

Worked examples
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Book MIE pg 103 Activity 4.4 Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
ICT Unit 3 Internet MIE ICT Grade 7 Pg 47-67 What is Computer Network | TechTerms

Email | Definition of email
ICT U3 L1 Computer Networking

ICT G7 U3 L2 The Internet and the WWW

ICT G7 U3L3 Getting started with Web Browsers
MIE ICT Grade 7 Pg 68-78 End of unit questions
Design and Technology Topic: Safety in the Design and Technology lab.
English Language Grammar (Active and Passive Voice)

Comprehension (MIE) Unit 2: Go Green week

Essay Writing Descriptive essay writing
Refer to MIE book (Pg 28 Passage 2b)

Refer to booklet titled ‘Model essays’ By Modern College (Pg 32- 43)

Model Essay on Describing ‘My mother’ :
Active and Passive Voice:

Comprehension in Classroom:Techniques and structure of essay writing:
Simplified version (Active and Passive)

English at Home (Passive):

Importance of recycling:

Effects of Global Warming:

MIE support:

Support to write essays:

MIE Guide on descriptive essay writing:

Adjectives on describing people:

Book EEUG( Alter)
Pg 218 Ex 139,
Pg 219 Ex 140,
Pg 220 ex141

Pg 29 Ex. 2c, 2d and 3a

Describe your mother OR your father.
(English Comprehension)

(English grammar)

(English Grammar)

(English Grammar)

Essays will be corrected when school resumes
Food and Textiles Unit 2: Food Technology

Hygiene during food preparation

Pg. 113 Exercises (Question 1-3)
French Grammaire :
• L’orthographe
• L’accord du participle passé
Sons et écriture du phonème [ã]

Sons et écriture du phonème [e᷈]

Ecriture du son [f]

Le participe passé employé avec l’auxiliaire avoir et être
Bled : Ex 25, 26, 30, 32, 33, 240, 241
French Literature
Hindi Comprehension Chikitsa Synonym, antonym and translation. Hindi textbook Grade 7
Pg. 48-52

To know meaning of idioms Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 48-52
Literature in English My Shadow My Shadow- The poem by R.L Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ My shadow animation:

Revise literary techniques
-Figurative language
Personification Pg 38 Act 4,Pg 39 Act 5
Literature Questions will be corrected individually when school resumes owing to subjective answers
Mathematics Polygon [MIE7]: To study notes AND worked examples (Pg 84-95).

[Book MIE7]: Pg 86 Ex 6.1
Pg 87 Ex 6.2
Pg 88-89 Ex 6.3
Pg 89-90 Ex 6.4
Pg 92 Ex 6.5
Pg 94-95 Ex 6.6
Performing Arts Vocal: Swara

Tabla: Introduction to Indian Music

Physical Education Topic: Obesity

Physics Solar System

1. [Book MIE]: Activity 5.1 (pg. 130-131)

2. Workout MCQS 1 (a) – (e) and (g), (h), (l) (pg. 156-157)

3. Structured Questions: 2 (ii), (iii), 5 (pg. 158)

Social and Modern Studies Topic 2: Trade in the Indian Ocean during ancient times. Activity 2.1
Answers will be provided next week
Urdu 4.3 Synonym
4.4 Antonym
1) Unit 8 Opposites
2) Unit 5 Synonyms

Worked example:
G7 Textbook
pg 38 ex 4
pg 39 ex 7
More opposites and Synonyms to be given by teacher(in tutorial).

Weekly Work for: Week 4(20th April 2020 - 26th April 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture 4 Crop Poduction • Adding Manure and fertilisers

• Sowing and methods of sowing

Worked examples
Art and Design 2.1 Colour Exploration Techniques (Blowism, Blobbing and Splattering)

• Wax Resist and Finger Painting
Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 70 - 73
Basic explanation on Colour Exploration(splattering, blobbing) Explanation and worked examples:

What is blowism?

Blobbing(symmetrical folding painting)

Splattering technique

Wax Resist technique

Finger painting
● Book G7 Pg 71:
Blow painting, Blobbing and Splattering
Use different colours and create a composition through your own creative expression.

● Book G7 Pg 72:
Experiment with wax resist technique on a linear composition of your choice.

● Book G7 Pg 73:
Experiment with finger painting technique to create an artwork.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 27th April
Answers for Tutorial week 2

Biology Topic 2: Unit6. Ecosystem BOOK Science Grade 7 Activity 6.7, 6.8, 6.9
Pg 192 section A MCQ 1,2,3,4 Section B Qu. 1,2,3
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 6: Entrepreneurial Culture – Part 1 Explanation

Worked examples
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Computer Literacy Unit 4 Word processing MIE ICT Grade 7 Pg81 - 90 ● How to fix picture adjustment in word file ● ICT U4 L1 Getting started with Word Processing

● ICT U4L2 Formatting text in Word Document

MIE ICT Grade 7 Pg 91 - 93
Design and Technology Topic: Safety in the Design and Technology lab.
English Language Grammar


Unit 3: Caring for Animals


Descriptive Essay Writing

Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 94

Refer to MIE book (Pg 28 Passage 2b)

Refer to booklet titled ‘Model essays’ By Modern College (Pg 45- 47)

Comprehension in Classroom:

Techniques and structure of essay writing:
Adjectives for kids:


Adjective Intro:

Parts of Speech(Adverb) :

Moral story: Caring for Pets:

MIE Support:

Support to write essays:

Notes For Essay Writing:

In Book EEUG( Alter)
Pg 95 ex 63
Pg 96 ex 64
Pg 51 Ex. 2c, 2d(i) and 3a
Describe the most untidy place you know.
Food and Textiles Unit 3
Weighing and measuring ingredients

French Grammaire :
• L’orthographe
• Le féminin des adjectifs qualificatifs
Le son [ʒ] :

le son [j] :

Le féminin des adjectifs :

BLED cours supérieur 6 e /5 e (New Edition) :
Ex 36, 37, 40, 41, 194, 195, 197
French Literature
Hindi Plural/Number

Essay writing
Refer to Hindi textbook Grade 7
Pg. 53-55
Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 54-55

Write an essay on the importance of Divali festival.
Literature in English Bull’s head for silver coin Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ How to analyse short story: Elements of a short story for 7th Grade:

Prepare difficult words found in the story and practise ‘Reading Aloud’ Literature Questions will be corrected individually when school resumes owing to subjective answers
Mathematics Length and Perimeter

[Book MIE7]: To study notes and worked examples (Pg 96-102)

[Book MIE7]:
Pg 98 Ex 7.2 No. 1(d-k),(m,n), 2(c,d,h), 3(a,d,h), 4(a,e)

Pg 99 Ex 7.3

Pg 100 Ex 7.4 No. 1

Pg 101-102 Ex 7.5 No.1,2

Pg 102 Ex 7.6 N0. 1,2,3

Performing Arts
Physical Education Topic: Health

Physics Solar System

Activity 5.4 (pg. 136)

MCQs -Question 1 (f), (i), (j), (k), (m), (n), (o) (pg. 156-157)

Question 2 (i), (iv), (v), 3, 4, 6 (pg. 158-159)

Social and Modern Studies Topic 2. Using a timeline to understand trade in ancient times.

READ Pg 33_34
Page 34, Activity 2.3

Page 35, Activity 2.4
Urdu Topic:4.2
Masculine and feminine
Grade 7 Lesson 2 Unit 3
In book: pg 29 ex 6

More exercises given by teacher(in tutorial)

Weekly Work for: Week 5 (27 April 2020 - 3 May 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Crop Protection • Garden Insect Control - How To Control Garden Pests Without Insecticide / Pesticide

• 8 Ways to Control Common Garden Pests

Worked examples
Art and Design 2.1 Printing Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 74 - 76
Printing with natural objects such as leaves, vegetables and man-made objects. Explanation and worked examples:

Printing with natural objects such as leaves and vegetables.

● Book G7 Pg 75:
Printing techniques:
Select natural materials and appropriate man-made objects for printing on your sketchpad.

● Book G7 Pg 76:
Create a composition based on "flowers in a vase" using printing techniques.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 4th May
Biology Topic 2: Unit 6. Ecosystem In tutorial week 5
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 6: Entrepreneurial Culture – Part 2 Explanation

Worked examples
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Book MIE
Pg 125 Q 1, 2
Computer Literacy Unit 5 Spreadsheet MIE ICT Grade 7 Pg 97-104 Basic Excel Formulas - Add, Subtract, Divide, Multiply ICT U5L1 Getting started with Spreadsheet

ICT U5L2 How to work with formulae

Design and Technology Topic: Safety in the Design and Technology lab.
English Language Grammar

Comprehension (MIE)
Unit 4: Log on

Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Writing

Oral English Brenda and Buddy
Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 18-19

Refer to MIE book (Pg 75- Blog entry Ex 2c.)

Refer to booklet titled ‘Model essays’ By Modern College (Pg 48- 56)

Comprehension in Classroom:

Techniques and structure of essay writing:
Simple Subject verb agreement Rules:

Simple Agreement rules:

Moral story For children: (Friendship stories):

Mie Support:

Support to write essays:

MIE Guide on descriptive essay writing:

Notes For Essay Writing:

Pronunciation tips- MIE SUPPORT
In Book EEUG( Alter)
Pg 19 Ex 11
Pg 20 Ex 12
Pg 155 Ex100

Pg 76 Ex. 2d , Pg 77 ex 2e

Describe your neighbours.

Essays will be corrected when school resumes

Food and Textiles Topic 3.2
Basic Culinary Skills
P 120 Q1- 4
French L’adjectif et le Participe passé Reading material (Le Petit Prince) BLED cours supérieur 6e /5e (New Edition) :
Ex 208, 210, 201, 202, 203, 641, 642.
French Literature
Hindi Grammar (Adjectives)
Essay writing (Narrative)
Refer to Hindi textbook Grade 7
Pg. 56
Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 57 ex. 11 (b) and (c)
Saw your friend crying during recess. Narrate what you did afterwards.
Literature in English Bull’s head for silver coin Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ How to analyse short story: Elements of a short story for 7th Grade:

Pg 50-51 Act 4,5 Literature Questions will be corrected individually when school resumes owing to subjective answers
Mathematics Area Part 1

[Book MIE7]: To study notes and worked examples (Pg 103-109)
[Book MIE7]:
Pg 105 Ex 7.8 No. 1 (a,e), 2 (b,d), 3 (b,d,e), 4 (a,b)

Pg 106-107 Ex 7.9 No. 1,3,4,5,6

Pg 109 Ex 7.10 No. 1-4
Performing Arts Vocal: Swara
Tabla: Introduction to Indian Music

Physical Education Topic: Fitness

Physics Energy (Part 1)

[Book MIE]: structured question: 8 (pg.160)

Social and Modern Studies Topic 2:Learning about the past; Archaeology, archaeologist.

Page 37, Activity 2.6
Urdu Topic:4.5
Spelling of words

Grade 7 Unit 2 Lesson 3

Grade 7 Unit 4 Lesson 2
In book:
pg 37 ex 3
Learn all idioms given by teacher in tutorial.

Weekly Work for: Week 6 (4th May 2020 - 10th May 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Crop Protection • 10 Common Plant Diseases


Worked examples
Art and Design Perspective Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 53 - 56
Basic explanation on one point perspective. Explanation and worked examples:

The process of drawing using one point perspective and vanishing points.

● Book G7
Pg 54:
One point perspective:
Draw a simple house in your sketchpad using one point perspective. Follow the process on page 54.

● Book G7
Pg 56:
Identify and draw the line of horizon and the vanishing point on the picture provided in the book.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 11th May
Biology Topic 2: Unit 6. Ecosystem Ecosystem Ecosystem In tutorial week 6
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 7: Enterprising Spirit Explanation

Worked examples
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Book MIE
Page 118 Activity 4.11
Computer Literacy Unit 6 Presentation MIE ICT Grade 7 pg107 - pg 119 How To Add A Slide In Powerpoint and Change Layout How to create a Pie chart in PowerPoint
Design and Technology Unit 4 - Material Technology.
English Language Grammar
Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 48 and 50 Conjunctions: Conjunctions:

Conjunctions (And / Or/ But):
In Book EEUG( Alter)
Pg 48 ex 33
Pg 51 ex 35
Pg 190 Ex 122
Comprehension (MIE)
Unit 5: Discovering the world
Refer to MIE book (Pg 106 Passage 2b) Comprehension in classroom Peru in 6 minutes

Mie Support:

Directed Writing
Formal Letter Writing
Letter Writing Formal letter writing for kids Pg 107 Ex. 2c, 2d

Letters will be corrected when school resumes
Oral English
Communication Skills
Mie Support:
Communication skills Video:
Prepare difficult words found in the story and practise ‘Reading Aloud’ after listening to the video.
Food and Textiles Reading and interpreting recipes, Resource management
French Le participe passé et le passé composé Le participe passé

Le passé composé

L’accord du participe passé

Le vocabulaire des émotions
BLED cours supérieur 6e /5e (New Edition) :
Ex 245, 246, 247, 276, 278, 279, 281
French Literature
Hindi Grammar (Adjectives)
Essay writing (Narrative)
Refer to Hindi textbook Grade 7
Pg. 56
Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 57 ex. 11 (b) and (c)
Saw your friend crying during recess. Narrate what you did afterwards.
Literature in English The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ How to analyse short story: The cowardly Lion and The Hungry Tiger It is an Attachment:

Answers are provided in the video itself.
Mathematics Area Part 2 [Book MIE7]: To study notes and worked examples (Pg 110-116) [Book MIE7]:
Pg 110 Ex 7.11 No. 1-4

Pg 112 Ex 7.12 No. 1-3

Pg 112-113 Ex 7.13 No. 1-3

Pg 114 Ex 7.14 No. 1-3

Pg 115-116 Ex 7.15 No. 1,2
Performing Arts
Physical Education Topic: Body Types

Physics Sources of energy

1. [Book MIE]: MCQs (p) – (v) (pg.157-158)

2. [Book MIE]: Structured Questions 9, 10 (pg.160)

3. Worksheet 3.1B sources of energy

Social and Modern Studies Topic 2
The Arab traders in the Indian Ocean

1. To copy pg 40 box 1, box 2

2. To copy “ did you know”?

3. Tracing of map 5, Monsoon winds.

4. Activity 2.7.
Answer sheet to be produced next week
Urdu Topic:5.2
Singular And Plural
In textbook:pg 42-45

Grade 7
Lesson 4
Unit 4
In book:
pg 46-47 ex 12
More exercises given by teacher(in tutorial)

Weekly Work for: Week 7 (11th May 2020 - 17th May 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Art and Design Drawing Cylindrical Forms Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 57
Basic explanation on how to draw cylindrical forms. Explanation and worked examples:

How to draw and shade a cylinder.

How to draw a cup.
Book G7 Pg 58:
Draw and shade a cylindrical object such as a cup or a mug in your sketchpad.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 18th May
Business Entrepreneurship Education
Computer Literacy
Design and Technology
English Language Grammar- Revision Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation concerning each topic. Articles :


Present Tense:

Past tense:



Simple Present tense:

Simple Past tense:

Adverbs for kids:
Grammar Revision Questions Grammar Answer:
English Comprehension
Princess Rhonda
Refer to the attachment. Comprehension in classroom Comprehension Skills: Consolidation work for Comprehension:

Passage: Princess Ronda Questions:
Answers for Comprehension:
Narrative Essay

An unfair punishment.
Refer to The Model essay Booklet by Modern College: Pg27-30 Writing the narrative essay: Narrative Essay for Grade 7: Write an essay on ‘An unfair punishment’
Oral English
Communication Skills
Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams

ENGLISH - Oral Examination Tips
Prepare difficult words found in the story and practise ‘Reading Aloud’ after listening to the video.
See attachment for Questions:

[English Pack]: Cambridge Oct/Nov 2012 Test 8 (An activity Holiday)
Food and Textiles
French Révision :

Le participe passé

Le féminin des noms

Les adjectifs
French Literature
Literature in English Mathilda Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ How to analyse short story: Mathilda
Performing Arts
Physical Education
Social and Modern Studies Answer sheet to be produced next week

Weekly Work for: Week 8 (18th May 2020 - 24th May 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Soil erosion • Causes, Effects and Solutions of Soil Erosion


Worked examples
Art and Design Composition Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 59 - 60
Basic explanation on Composition. Explanation and worked examples:

Drawing Fundamentals: Composition

● Book G7 Pg 60:
Summing up activity: Draw a simple landscape composition using any media of your choice.

● Book G7 Pg 61:
Complete MC questions in the book itself

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 25th May
Biology Topic 2: Unit 6. Ecosystem In tutorial week 8
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 8: Income and Expense


Worked examples
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures • Explanation Atoms, elements and compounds
Computer Literacy Unit 1 Health, Safety and Ethics MIE ICT Grade 7
Pg 1 - 19
Computer Lab Rules Safety Precaution When Using Ict MIE ICT Grade 7
Pg 20- 24
Design and Technology Unit 4 - Material Technology.
English Language Grammar
Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 185 and 187 Direct and Indirect speech Direct and Indirect speech:(Modal Changes)

Direct to Indirect Speech:
In Book EEUG( Alter)
Pg 186 Ex 119
Pg 189 Ex 120
Unit 6: A glimpse of the past Refer to MIE book (Pg 133 Passage 2c)

Please refer to the Modern College Booklet on page 67,68 and 69
Comprehension in classroom Biography of Hitler:

Mie Support:(Unit 6)

Pg 134 ex 2c(i), 2c(ii)
Descriptive Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ "Refer to document (Describing scenes and places in 2015) in the English Pack.">Refer to document (Describing scenes and places in 2015) in the English Pack. Mie support for descriptive writing: Describe a walk in the rain. Remember you are creating an atmosphere and not just what happen during the walk.

Communication Skills Oral Pack Mie Support:
Communication skills Video:
Cambridge Oct/Nov 2012- Test 9(Famous for a day) This activity will be corrected individually in class owing to subjective answers from students.
Food and Textiles Practical session
Tropical salad
French Les homonymes
Les homonymes

Vocabulaire des sentiments

Le portrait

Le portrait physique et moral d'une personne en français
BLED cours supérieur 6 e /5 e (New Edition) : Ex 287, 589, 590, 592

Rédaction :
Votre professeur préféré : quelles qualités a-t-il/elle ? (descriptif)
French Literature
Hindi Comprehension

Verb (present tense)
Refer to Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 58-60
pg. 64-65
Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg. 61 ex. 4 (a) and (b)
Literature in English The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger How to analyse short story: The cowardly Lion and The Hungry Tiger Compare and contrast the lion and The Tiger in a few lines.
Mathematics 2.1. Percentage [Book MIE7]: To study notes and worked examples (Pg 117-119)

[Book MIE7]:
Pg 118 Ex 8.1 No. 1,2

Pg 119 Ex 8.2

Pg 120 Ex 8.3
Performing Arts Vocal: Alankaar

Tabla: Parts of a Tabla

Physical Education Topic : Skill

Physics Electricity

1. [Book MIE]: Questions 1(a, e), 2 (pg.270)

2. [Book MIE]: Questions 3, 9 (pg.270-273)
Social and Modern Studies Migration and settlement:

1) In Madagascar

2) The Arabs in the east coast of Africa

1. To copy page 42 box; tracing of map

Page 43 to copy box

Activity 2.8.

2. To copy box page 44, activity 2.9, 2.10.
Answer sheet is included in your notes
Urdu Topic:5.3
Future Tense
Grade 7
Lesson 7
Unit 3
Future Tense
In book:
pg 18-19 ex 10
pg 31 ex 9

More exercises given by teacher in tutorial.

Weekly Work for: Week 9 (25th May 2020 - 31th May 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Soil erosion • Causes, Effects and Solutions of Soil Erosion


Worked examples
Art and Design Exploration of Shapes and Forms Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 80 - 81
Basic explanation on Collage Explanation and worked examples:

● Book G7 Pg 82 :
Experiment with Torn or Cut-out Paper Collage technique based on the theme fruit(s).

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 1st June
Biology Topic 2: Unit 6. Ecosystem In tutorial week 9
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 9: Accounts for Enterprise – Part 1 (Important) (Additional) Explanation(Important)

Worked examples(Important)
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures • Explanation
Computer Literacy Unit 7 Multimedia MIE ICT Grade 7
Pg 123 - 130
Movie Maker Tutorial for Beginners ICT U7 L1 Video Editing Software

ICT U7 L2 Creating a simple movie clip
No homework for this unit
Design and Technology Unit 4 - Material Technology. Textbook page 65 number 2
English Language Grammar Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 56, 58 and pg 48 (7-1) Relative pronouns

- Which relative pronoun can you use for a person?

- Name some relative pronouns

- What is the full form of ‘Fanboy’?
In Book EEUG(Alter) Pg 92 ex 62 Pg 190 ex 122

Unit 6: A glimpse of the past Refer to MIE book (Pg 133 Passage 2c) Comprehension in classroom Biography of Hitler:

- Who was Hitler?

- Whom did he hate?

Mie Support:(Unit 6)

Pg 135 ex 2d
Pg 136 ex 3a
Descriptive Please refer to the Modern College Booklet on page 57- 61 "Refer to document (Describing scenes and places in 2015) in the English Pack."

Refer to document (Describing scenes and places in 2015) in the English Pack.
Mie support for descriptive writing:

Descriptive essay writing

- What are the tips given to engage in descriptive writing?

- How can we include sensory details?
Describe your dream house.

Communication Skills Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams Mie Support:
Communication skills Video:
Practise reading aloud.
Food and Textiles TOPIC 7.1
Basic Sewing Skills
Sewing kit
French Les homophones grammaticaux Comment orthographier : est, es, et, ai,aie, aies, ait, aient

Confusion entre ses, ces, c'est, s'est et sait


BLED cours supérieur 6 e /5 e (New Edition) :
Ex 297, 299, 311, 315, 319, 321, 322
French Literature
Hindi Idioms
Verb Past Tense
Refer to Hindi textbook Grade 7
page 62
Hindi textbook Grade 7
pg 62 Ex 5
pg 63 ex. 7, 8
Literature in English Revision on literary Devices Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’

- What is an imagery?

- Which literary device involves a direct comparison between two unlike things?
1. Imagery
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Alliteration
5. Personification
Mathematics 2.1. Percentage [Book MIE7]: To study notes and worked examples (Pg 120-123)

[Book MIE7]:
Pg 121 Ex 8.4, 8.5

Pg 122-123 Ex 8.6 No. 1-4

Pg 120 Ex 8.3
Performing Arts

Physical Education Topic : Motivation

Physics Electricity(Part 2)

[Book MIE]: 1(b, c, d, f), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (pg.270-273
Social and Modern Studies Unit 1 Topic 2:Studying the European traders in the Indian Ocean.

Activity 2.12,2.13,2.14 To copy page 54_ 56. Answer sheet is included in your notes
Urdu Topic:7.2
Subject, Object and Verb
In textbook:pg 55
Grade 7
Lesson 2
Unit 5
Subject, Object and Verb
In book:
pg 55 ex 6
pg 55-56 ex 7
pg 56 ex 8
More exercises given by teacher(in tutorial)

Weekly Work for: Week 10 (1st June 2020 - 7th June 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Consolidation work
Art and Design Exploration of Shapes and Forms Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 80 - 82
Basic explanation on Collage Explanation and worked examples:

● Book G7 Pg 82 : Decorative arts and crafts: Create a Mother's Day card using collage and quilling technique.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 8th June
Biology Consolidation work
Business Entrepreneurship Education Consolidation work
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures • Explanation
Computer Literacy Consolidation work Important: Fill this weekly evaluation form!

Design and Technology Materials Technology.
English Language Grammar Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 33, 35

-List the 7 types of pronouns

-Define Personal pronouns

-When do we use possessive adjectives and pronouns?
In Book EEUG(Alter) Pg 34 ex 21,22 Pg 35 ex 23
English Comprehension (MIE)
Unit 3:
Caring for animals
Refer to MIE book (Pg 58 Act 5 and Act 6) Tutoring Tips: Reading Comprehension Strategies MIE support: (Unit 3)

What is the one important detail to remember when writing the advert?
Pg 58 Act 5, Act 6
Pg 59 ex 6a
Essay writing
Refer to document (Writing a story 2015) and B (Materials for Narrative Writing 2015) in the English Pack. Tips on writing Narrative essay
- What are the main components of narrative essay writing?
Write a story on ‘A nightmare’

Model:A nightmare
Oral English
Communication Skills
Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams English conversation

Where is Lisa from?
What does Harry do for a living?
Practise reading aloud.
Food and Textiles Consolidation work
French Consolidation work :
French Literature
Hindi Consolidation Work
Literature in English Revision on Chimney sweeper Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ Who is William Blake? History of chimney sweepers

- Why were children chosen for this job?

The poem
Identify the poetic devices used in this poem and provide their meanings Poetic Devices
Mathematics Consolidation Work
Performing Arts

Physical Education Consolidation Work
Physics Consolidation Work
Social and Modern Studies Consolidation Work Answer sheet is included in your notes
Urdu Consolidation Work

Weekly Work for: Week 11 (8th June 2020 - 14th June 2020)top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Consolidation work
Art and Design Exploration of Shapes and Forms Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 83 - 84
Basic explanation on Photomontage Explanation and worked examples:

● Book G7 Pg 84 :
1. Exercise: Photomontage
Make a photomontage based on any one of the theme:
A dream, Bizarre / Awkward or Paranormal

2. Download and complete the homework in the link below.
You will be provided with the solution the following week.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 15th June
Biology Consolidation work Consolidation work
In tutorial week 11
Business Entrepreneurship Education Consolidation work
Chemistry 4.0 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Consolidation work
Computer Literacy Consolidation work Important: Fill this weekly evaluation form!

Design and Technology Safety in the D&T lab.
English Language Grammar Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 94 Adjectives

Adjectives- The Describing words

-Which adjective does Jimmy use to describe
(i) The moon
(ii)The water
(iii) and the stars?

Adverbs- Part of Speech
- What is an adverb?
English Comprehension (MIE)
Unit 3:
Caring for animals
Refer to MIE book Unit 1 and Unit 2 Tutoring Tips: Reading Comprehension Strategies MIE support: (Unit 1)

-What is the purpose of filling a form?

Mie Support: (Unit 2)
- What are the tips to remember while making a poster?
Pg 9 Act 5
Pg 27 Act 2- 2a
Pg 34 Act 5
Ideas for Unit 2 Act 5:

Pg 27 Act 2a:
Essay writing
Refer to document (Writing a story 2015) and B (Materials for Narrative Writing 2015) in the English Pack. Tips on writing Narrative essay
- What are the main components of narrative essay writing?
Write a story on ‘An Accident’ (Page 5 and 6)

Answers are found in the video itself :
Oral English
Communication Skills
Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams Oral English with subtitles

- What is the meaning of ‘weigh down’?
Practise reading aloud.
Food and Textiles Consolidation work
French Consolidation work
French Literature
Hindi Present continuous tense and essay writing Refer to textbook on page 65 pg 66 Ex 10 b
Essay writing:
A day in the kitchen.
Literature in English Revision on Bull’s Head for silver coin Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ How to analyse a short story: Revision of Literary terms in Fiction

- What is the meaning of ‘Setting’?
Define a:
Poetic Devices
Mathematics 2.2. Ratio

[Book MIE7]: To study notes & worked examples (Pg 124-128)
● Explanation

[Book MIE7]:
Pg 126-127 Ex 8.1 No. 1-9

Pg 129 Ex 8.2 No. 1-4, 7-10, 12
Performing Arts

Physical Education Consolidation Work
Physics Consolidation Work
Social and Modern Studies Consolidation Work Page 59 activity 3.1 Answer sheet is included in your notes
Urdu Topic:5.1
Comprehension 5
In textbook:
pg 49-51
Eidgah Chaliye by Urdu kids In book:
pg 52 ex 2
pg 52 ex 3
pg 53 ex 4
pg 54 ex 5

Weekly Work for: 1st July 2020 - 7th July 2020top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture Consolidation work
Art and Design Sgraffito (Paper Etching) Notes available in Art and Design Grade 7 book:
Page 85 - 86
Basic explanation on Sgraffito Explanation and worked examples:

● Book G7 Pg 85-86:
Summing up activity:
Follow the procedure on page 85 and make a composition based on Flora and fauna using sgraffito technique.

Homework Submission:
Email photographs of your homeworks on artdept.mc@gmail.com

Write your Class and Name as subject of the email.

Submission Date:
Monday 6 July
Solution for Week 11 theory work:
Biology Consolidation work
Business Entrepreneurship Education Consolidation work
Chemistry Consolidation work
Computer Literacy Consolidation work Important: Fill this weekly evaluation form!

Design and Technology Consolidation Work
English Language Grammar Refer to Essential English (Alter) and read explanation on Page 94 Agreement Subject Verb Agreement in Present Simple

- Define a ‘subject’
- Which are the tricky words to remember?
- What does every sentence need?

English Grammar lesson - Using Conjunctions correctly in sentences
- What is the purpose of a conjunction? - Which conjunction helps us to combine contrasting ideas? - When do we use the conjunction ‘so’?
Pg 105 Ex 69

Pg 191 Ex 123

Pg 63 Act 8

English Comprehension (MIE)
Unit 3:
Caring for animals
Refer to MIE book Pg 63 Act 8. Tutoring Tips: Reading Comprehension Strategies

Hatchiko- The Real story

Hatchiko- Movie Adaptation

Essay writing
Refer to document (Writing a story 2015) and B (Materials for Narrative Writing 2015) in the English Pack. Tips on writing Narrative essay
- What are the main components of narrative essay writing?
Write a story on ‘A funny incident’ Model:

Vocabulary Refer to your book ‘Vocabulary Building 1’ Improve your Vocabulary: 50 adjectives to describe what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste

-What is the meaning of ‘vocabulary’?
-What is its purpose?
- Which other words can we use to replace ‘beautify’ in a sentence?
Pg 28 Ex 1,2
Pg 31 Ex 1, 2
Pg 34 Ex 1, 2
Pg 37 Ex 1, 2

Oral English
Communication Skills
Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams Oral English with subtitles

- Why has Paul quit his job? - Why is Matthew feeling down? - What is the meaning of ‘wind down’?
Practise reading aloud.
Food and Textiles Consolidation work
French Consolidation work
French Literature
Hindi Consolidation Work
Literature in English Revision on ‘A Grass Cutter’ Please refer to book ‘Discovering Literature’ – Pg 32-33 13 Essential Literary Terms Poetic Devices

- What is the meaning of Alliteration?
- What is the meaning of ‘Simile’?
- Are these devices used in the poem?
Identify the Poetic Devices used in this poem Answers are found in the video itself
Mathematics Consolidation Work Direct Proportion
Performing Arts

Physical Education Consolidation Work
Physics Consolidation Work
Social and Modern Studies Consolidation Work Answer sheet is included in your notes

Weekly Work for: April Examinations 2020top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture April Exams 2020
Art and Design
Biology April Exams 2020
Business Entrepreneurship Education April Exams 2020
Chemistry April Exams 2020
Computer Literacy April Exams 2020 Important: Fill this weekly evaluation form!

English Language April Exams 2020
French April Exams 2020
Hindi April Exams 2020
Mathematics April Exams 2020 Paper 1
Performing Arts

Physical Education April Exams 2020
Physics April Exams 2020
Social and Modern Studies April Exams 2020 Answer sheet is included in your notes
Technology Studies April Exams 2020

Weekly Work for: 21th June 2021 - 25th June 2021top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture 1 General Agriculture Notes and questions What is LIVESTOCK? What does LIVESTOCK mean?

The Importance of Agriculture

Worked examples
Art and Design Introduction of Art and Design as a subject.

P.S. These links are meant for both parents and students in order to create a better understanding of the subject and its importance.

Why study Visual Arts?

Benefits of Visual Arts:

Reasons to study Arts

Importance of Arts

Further Notes and detailed history on Arts
What is ART?

Why is Art important?

Art Fundamentals:
Book G7
Pg 1- pg 6:
Read the paragraph of art as a form of communication and the objectives of art as a subject.
A brief description of the books content is given as well as the structure of Art and design curriculum.

Book G7
Pg7 – Pg12:

Basic introduction of elements of Art and principles of design.
Complete the exercise – Architecture in Mauritius on page 12 in the book itself using a pencil.
Biology cell G7 book p34 and 35 activity 2.1 and 2.2
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 1: Needs and Wants (Part 1)
Computer Literacy Unit 2: Computer Operations and Fundamentals Read and understand:
Pg 27-30
Pg 32-34
Difference between Software and Hardware |Introduction to software engineering

What does what in your computer? Computer parts Explained

What Are Peripheral Devices of a Computer Definition, Examples & Types
Pg 31 Quick Test 2.3.1
Pg 34 Quick Test 2.4.1
English Language SECTION A

(I) GRAMMAR: – Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar

(II) – Functional Writing
8 Types of English Pronouns

Introduction to singular and plural nouns | Grammar | Khan Academy

Teaching Tips for writing a Story – Cambridge University-Press

►Purpose of the NCE Assessment ►Guiding principles in Assessment ►What will be assessed and how?

►key phrases ►Avoid using contracted forms ►respect word limit

►subject + verb ►verb forms ►what is a complement?
French L’orthographe : Les accents

La conjugaison : Le present de l’indicatif
Les accents

Les accents en français

French Conjugation: Présent de l'indicatif 1er Groupe

Le présent des verbes du 1er groupe
BLED cours supérieur 6e /5e (New Edition)
Ex 1, 2, 402, 404
Hindi Verb Transitive and intransitive verbs Book: A complete Hindi grammar Pg 27 दस क्रियाएँ लिखिए जो सामान्य रूप में हों । पाँच अकर्मक और पाँच सकर्मक क्रियाएँ लिखिए।
Mathematics Numbers, Factors and Multiples
(a) Understand different types of numbers

(b) Prime numbers and prime factorisation
[BookMIE7]: To study notes & worked examples (Pg 1-5)

[BookMIE7]: Pg 2
Ex 1.1
Pg 4 Ex 1.2
Pg 5-6 Ex 1.3
Performing Arts
Physical Education Warm up

Main activity

Cool down

Physics Measurement What are Physical Quantities?

Physical quantities: Its Units and Measurements | Physics | Najam Academy

Metric Prefixes
Metric conversions MIE Book:
Pg 1 Activity 1.1
Pg 26 Exercise on prefixes
Worksheet 1.1A to 1.1D

Social and Modern Studies
Technology Studies (Design and Tech) Design fundamentals in Design and Technology
Technology Studies (Food and Textiles) Introduction
Urdu Grammar and Translation

Weekly Work for: 28th June 2021 - 2nd July 2021top

Subject Topic Notes Online Resources
(available in PoWs)
New Resources Homework Solution
Agriculture 3 Farm tools and equipment Notes and questions Farm Tools and Equipment Explanation

Worked examples
Art and Design Elements of Art: Lines, Shape, Form, Texture, Colour, Value. Definition: Elements of Art: ● Book G7 Pg 13 – 15: Complete the exercises in the book itself.
Biology Cell – animal and plant cell Overview of animal and plant cells Pg 45 activity 2.3 Pg 46 test yourself
Business Entrepreneurship Education Unit 1: Needs and Wants (Part 2)
Computer Literacy Unit 2: Computer Operations and Fundamentals Read and understand:
Pg 35: Bits and bytes
Pg 37-38: types of computer
Pg 39: speed of the computer
Difference between Software and Hardware |Introduction to software engineering

What does what in your computer? Computer parts Explained

What Are Peripheral Devices of a Computer Definition, Examples & Types
PPg 35 Quick Test 2.5
Pg 38 Quick Test 2.6
Pg 40 End of Unit Questions (1-5)
English Language SECTION A


[Book ELMIE]: Unit 1 – Esha`s first concert – ex 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e.

[English Pack]: Cambridge Oct/Nov 2012 Test 8 (An activity holiday).
How To Effectively Answer Comprehension Passages In Any ...

Read the explanation given in EEUG1on Page/s1, 3. 4, 5

Exam Skills: 5 tips to help you with speaking exams

►what are the different strategies used to interpret comprehension?
►is inferential thinking important?

►What is Fluency?
►Speed Reading
►Learn Language in Chunks
[Book ELMIE]: Unit 1 – Esha`s first concert – ex 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e.

(Book EEUG1): pg 2 – 3 ex 1; pg 3 – 4 ex 2; pg 5 – 6 ex 3.

[English Pack]: Cambridge Oct/Nov 2012 Test 8 (An activity holiday).
French Les accents et le tréma

Conjugaison (présent de l’indicatif) : Les verbes du 2e et 3e groupe
The accents in french

Compilation : l'accent aigu, grave et circonflexe

French Conjugation: Présent de l'indicatif - 2e et 3e groupe

Les verbes des 2e et 3e groupes au présent de l'indicatif
BLED cours supérieur 6e /5e (New Edition)
Ex 4,5, 401, 403, 407
Hindi Adjectives Book : A complete Hindi grammar Pg 17 दस अलग-अलग विशेषणों को वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए ।
Mathematics Numbers, Factors and Multiples
(c) determine H.C.F and L.C.M
[BookMIE7]: To study notes & worked examples (pg 6-11)

pg 7 Ex 1.4 No. 1(a),(b),(c),(d), 2(a),(b),(c),(d), 3, 4

pg 8 Ex 1.5

pg 10 Ex 1.6 No. 1(a),(b),(c),(d), 2(a),(b),(c),(d)

pg 12 Ex 1.7 No. 2,3,5
Performing Arts (VOCAL)
• General intro to Music
• Importance of music

Topic: 1 Music
• Define the term Sangeet.
• State the importance of music in life.
List the three main components of Sangeet.

Physical Education Warm up

Main activity

Cool down

Physics Measurement Notes and questions Physical Quantities and Measurement class-6

Maths Help - Converting Units of Length
How to Measure length correctly using a Centimeter Ruler? Homework
[Book MIE]: Activity 1.2 and test yourself (pg. 2-3)
EX: Workout MCQS 1 (pg. 29)
EX: Short Answer Question 2 (i), (ii) (pg. 30)
EX: Short Answer Question 1 (a), (b)

Worksheets 1.2 A – 1.2 D
Social and Modern Studies
Technology Studies (Design and Tech)
Technology Studies (Food and Textiles) Personal Hygiene during adolescence
Urdu Grammar and Translation